I am running the fundraiser!
Thanks you so much for helping your community! Below you will find answers to some common questions. Give us a call if you have any other questions!
When will we get the cards?
We do our best to process orders the same day we receive them in our office. We are a small team, but we have been known to work all night and into the early morning during our busy season, in an effort to provide the best possible service.
The short answer is that all sponsors should have their orders back within about a week from the day that we receive the order in our office, but typically the orders are returned a lot quicker than that!
Can we do the fundraiser for longer than 2 weeks?
We always recommended sponsors to stay within the 2 week margin. Studies have proven that kids do best when their fundraisers are short and sweet! It is long enough to still keep your students interested, but short enough for your customers to not get antsy to receive their cards back! Just give us a call if you need an extension so that we can help you out to the best of our abilities.
If my team qualifies for t-shirts/camp outfits do I get a t-shirt/camp outfit?
Yes you do! As a thank you for encouraging the team during the 2 weeks of fundraising we will happily provide the your group with 1 free t-shirt/camp outfit.
Do the teachers get anything for collecting the order forms?
If your group is doing a school wide fundraiser with prizes then teachers who have 5 or more students from their class participate will receive a free card. We only provide free cards for teachers for school wide prize fundraisers.
Can we purchase extra t-shirts or camp outfits?
Yes you can! If your team qualifies for t-shirts or camp outfits you can purchase extras. Give us a call to talk about the pricing.